Meet Lulu! Lulu is a beautiful girl who had a very tough life prior to rescue. Poor Lulu was dumped by the puppy mill when they no longer had use for her. Lulu was in danger of euthanasia and was also suffering from demodex mange, secondary skin infection, ear infection, dry eye and entropion. Lulu has sores all over her body from being kept in a filthy cage all her life, poor girl just needed a nice warm home and medical care. Thankfully our partner rescuer went and helped us get her out. She was able to make it into rescue and get all the needed treatment and is now doing so much better. Although Lulu may look a lot older then she really is we are hoping a home will see past the white spots on her face and give this beautiful girl the home she deserves. Lulu has gotten surgery to fix her entropion and have received full treatment for her demodex mange. Lulu has since cleared her mange, now it is just a matter of time before her fur grows back. We hope to find her that loving ome that will be patient and give her lots of TLC. Lulu is patiently waiting!