Meet Maumi! This sweet snuggle-buddy is a medium-sized mini-mastiff, mixed with something silly, sugar and spices. Maumi’s main motivations are snacks, snuggles, and scritches.
Have you always wanted a mastiff, but don’t have a giant SUV to tote him around? If so, then Maumi is your guy! Do you want a mastiff, but could live happily without droolcicles? Then you need to adopt Maumi! Have you always wanted a giant dog, without a giant dog-food bill? Then schedule a meet and greet, and get to know this perfect doggo!
Maumi was rescued from a dog-slaughterhouse in Korea, with 20 other littermates and cohort puppies. Some of the other puppies are turning into giant 100-lb biggies, but he is done growing at around 65 – 70 lbs! Maumi is super-food motivated, smart, and curious. He is house trained, great in the car, and knows how to use the doggie door. He has lived with cats and dogs, and loves to play.
We don’t know exactly what Maumi’s life was like as a baby puppy, but we know that he had some amount of trauma. He has some PTSD type trauma response, where he sometimes expects the world to be dangerous and scary. It will take about a week at his new home, before he feels safe and happy. And while he loves other dogs and plays well, he has been known to have some resource guarding, so being an only-dog would be a less stressful life for him.
Maumi would thrive with a family or person who understands that this sweet, loving, happy guy will need a minute to adjust to new situations. Someone who will be willing to put some time into socialization and training. Someone with a yard, or at least a patio where he can potty for the first week until he feels safe with his new people.
Maumi is being fostered in the El Sobrante / Richmond area. We are looking for a home who understands the responsibilities of owning and raising a teenage/young adult dog as a member of their family. Maumi is eagerly waiting!