
Meet Nana! Nana was brought to our rescue after being at the SPCA for 500 days, its time for this sweet girl to find a forever home. Nana was brought to the shelter on August 26, 2014. She was a nursing mom of 4 tiny puppies Ned, Natalie, Nick, Noelle. She was a great mama and very protective of her babies. We used to have to section her off with an expen to work with her puppies and when we did was when she felt comfortable enough to potty and eat. She then went to a foster home with a cat and lab with one of our shelter technicians which was the first time she had the opportunity to be a real dog and that was her first large milestone.
Once she was acting more like a dog she came back to the shelter where she started working with our trainers on being more brave and she attended daily dog play groups, fields trips to beaches/hikes, and walks in the neighborhood. She was fostered a second time by a very experienced trainer that had a small dog with separation anxiety and an older large dog. Nana did very well and they worked on house training. Nana was wary of the husband especially if he accidentally kicked her in bed. As the husband would be Nana’s primary caretaker when the wife was traveling doing dog talks, they decided it hasn’t worked out.
Since coming back, Nana became the mentor to many of the shy dogs coming in. She started showing her silly side and becoming playful, generalizing to more people, and displayed how much she loves rubbing her face in people’s hair. She participated in a plethora of dog training classes Bravery Class, Just the Basics, Agility, and Touch.
Gentle Nana is looking for a quiet peaceful place with a doggy sibling to call her own. She may be a bit timid at first but really opens up once she opens up and feels safe. Nana enjoys going on walks and playing with other dogs her size and doing rub downs in her friends long hair. Nana would benefit from reward based raining and some more confidence building. This sweet girl is patiently waiting for a home to call her own!